Date: Thursday, 7th November
Time: 10:00am - 12:30pm

Location: The Glasshouse at The Ground, Currumbin Valley

This in-person event is designed to set you up for your biggest year in business yet in 2025.

Here’s what we’ll dive into

Finding your flow: Learn how to tune into your own energy and rhythm to create a business model that feels effortless while staying impactful.

Practical tools to stay aligned: You’ll leave with actionable strategies to forecast and plan your client pipeline in a way that feels both structured and in flow.

The energetics of forecasting: Understand how to combine practical business forecasting with energetic alignment, helping you attract the right clients and maintain momentum all year long.

Client pipeline momentum: Learn how to cast your vision forward, building a client base that feels aligned with your goals and sets the stage for continuous growth throughout the year. 

Staying grounded while growing: We’ll explore how to balance the practical side of your business with the energetic work that allows you to expand without burning out.

Who is this for?  

Mentors, coaches, and healers who are ready to create more ease, alignment, and flow in their businesses while keeping their client pipeline full. This is for you if you’re ready to elevate your business with a vision that balances both strategy and flow.

What you’ll walk away with:

  • An understanding of how to plan for your best year yet by working with your unique energy and flow, rather than against it 
  • A clear strategy to shift how you forecast and build your client pipeline, so you’re prepared for growth
  • Practical and energetic tools to align your business goals with your own energy, creating a business model that feels effortless
  • Tools to align your energetic state with your business goals, so you’re not just working harder—you’re working smarter, in flow.

This in-person event will help you cast your vision for 2025, providing you with the tools and mindset to make it your most successful year in business.

Appetizers and drinks are provided.

It'll be the best vibes - looking forward to seeing you there!

Any questions please email support@rubylee.co and I can't wait to meet you there!

xo Ruby

  • Customer
  • Payment

Contact information

Billing address

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


* If you can’t make it, don’t worry! While tickets are non-refundable, they are totally transferable. So, if you can’t be there, you can always pass your ticket along to a friend who’d love to join us. It’s like spreading the flow love! Just let us know who you’re transferring it to, and we’ll take care of the rest. Or if that doesn't suit, the amount you paid can be a credit to another product that I have. 

Gold Coast Flow State Social$88.18

  • Total payment
  • 1xGold Coast Flow State Social$88.18

All prices in AUD
